Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The last male bastion

Wonder why the barber shop is the last male bastion? It's not even under threat. They can take over our taverns, much to Sri Ram Sene's distaste. They can take over our clubs, no matter how much the fuddy duddy boxwalas resist. But hey... the barber shop around the corner is so totally ours. They wouldn't even want it, even if we let them have it.
Here's why.
What does a woman do at her hairstylist? Or parlour?
1) See who else is coming there.
2) Check out what they're wearing.
3) Check out their hairstyles.
4) Bitch about their hairstyles.
5) Find out how much it cost them.
6) Bitch about how much people pay to look uglier.
7) Ask hairstylist if they can do someting similar for you.
8) Ask reception for the busiest time of the day.
9) Fight for an appointment at that time.
10) Get the husband / boyfriend to change his whole day to suit the plan.

What do men do?
1) Walk in.
2) Sit down. "Chota karo". Snip, snip.
3) Done. Pay, walk out.

Of course, then there are those men who can beat our good ol' womenfolk in their own game. But that's for another day, another post.

Now you know why we never see barber shops for women?

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